Member Profile: Reg Perrin

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17 Visitor Messages

  1. silverfox78 -
    u r a very ignorant person
  2. Marmers -
  3. haaaaaaaaa -
    reg perin you wanker its five years on guess who i am? megan doran ring any bells?
  4. Fatty -
    Did you not get mi' last message Chris or are you just loathe to answer?
  5. Fatty -
    Did you not get mi' message?
  6. Fatty -
    Hiya - I've been watching that Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds on TV - someone said you saw it live. it looks pretty good. The Orchestra in particular. Not so sure about Richard Burton's head. Was it?
  7. sphinx -
    Reg Perrin has not made any friends

    Oh dear.
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15th December 2014 10:02
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27th July 2024 11:02
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29th January 2004
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7 Updates

7th March 2017
11th February 2017
  • 15:20 - Reg Perrin changed their status to "In CROWN COURT"
26th January 2017
27th December 2016
  • 18:51 - Reg Perrin changed their status to "Susan Figbottom Author of "Cat stuck up a tree" Slaithwaite Gazette 15th June 1975. (Evening edition)"
13th February 2016
3rd January 2015
28th July 2012
  • 17:29 - Reg Perrin changed their status to "Collared"

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