Member Profile: Nice Fred

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Nice Fred


I know things most people have to google


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1st August 2018
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Nice Fred's Status

26 Updates

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15th February 2020
  • 22:56 - Nice Fred changed their status to "a semi-literate, misogynistic nonce with a transparent inability to tell the truth."
4th February 2020
  • 11:38 - Nice Fred changed their status to "Slightly absquatulated"
1st January 2020
  • 01:38 - Nice Fred changed their status to "Partially absquatulated"
16th December 2019
  • 09:28 - Nice Fred changed their status to "Mostly Absquatulated"
30th November 2019
  • 03:29 - Nice Fred changed their status to "Absquatulated"
27th November 2019
  • 11:20 - Nice Fred changed their status to "You may have mistaken me for someone who gives a fuck"
23rd July 2019
  • 01:42 - Nice Fred changed their status to "The common sense poster"
22nd July 2019
  • 11:26 - Nice Fred changed their status to "Yanks - Remember Vietnam where you got fucked in epic style"
  • 11:26 - Nice Fred changed their status to "I bet in Iran to give the US a well deserved fucking"
18th July 2019
  • 13:59 - Nice Fred changed their status to "Mad as a spoon"
17th July 2019
  • 00:12 - Nice Fred changed their status to "Second wife required"
13th July 2019
  • 05:33 - Nice Fred changed their status to "The unflounced"
3rd July 2019
  • 07:23 - Nice Fred changed their status to "Possible flounce so Parson can't thrash me again"
26th May 2019
  • 23:45 - Nice Fred changed their status to "The second referendum just happened - Escape won big style"
  • 23:44 - Nice Fred changed their status to "The second referendum just happened - Escape won"
1st January 2019
  • 02:38 - Nice Fred changed their status to "Love, love, love"
28th November 2018
  • 23:57 - Nice Fred changed their status to "Humbug.. but in a nice way"
  • 21:46 - Nice Fred changed their status to "I love my colourful Christmas balls"
17th November 2018
  • 14:13 - Nice Fred changed their status to "Be lovely to everyone except the French"
1st November 2018
  • 20:20 - Nice Fred changed their status to "Buy a poppy"
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