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Chris Mitchell
1 Like Chris Mitchell liked a post by NotLaup in the thread Rob Burrow
NotLaup I really fancied him but i think that was because I knew he was bat-shit-krazy and would destroy my entire life....... I don't mind
1 Like NotLaup liked a post by Chris Mitchell in the thread Rob Burrow
Chris Mitchell Well, his face looked like a smacked arse, so I suppose it's plausible that his arse looked like a pretty face, and not the fluorescent ginger hairy monstrosity that I imagined in my most fevered imagination.
Chris Mitchell Scrot still hasn't explained why he believes the Zionist lizard overlords who want to wipe out the human race have only launched their evil plot in a low-circulation newspaper. Maybe all will become clear in this week's episode of Doctor Who?
Fork Me Jolly good.
Fork Me Jolly good.
Chris Mitchell Don't be so fucking ridiculous. Why would the Guardian want to wipe out the human race? Do you think they're part of a Zionist lizard overlord plot? And if they are, given the Guardian has a tiny circulation compared to the tabloids, and that...
Fork Me There was no nutjob rant in the Guardian, just a report on published research by a scientist who may or may ot be a lefty, I see no evidence either way. ...and yes, I have read the actual article, rather than just the headline. Neither she, nor...
Luna Can one castrate a Hobby Horse? My cat was asking.
Chris Mitchell No, you took a scientific report that mammals live longer if castrated, and claimed this meant that lefties want to cut your balls off, which it didn't say. The article wasn't nutjobby, your response was, and then Bob added some extra Nutella...
Chris Mitchell Anyway, what *do* 'A's use their bollocks for? A friend was wondering.
Chris Mitchell There are no answers to nutjob rants, other than humouring you. I'm anticipating your 5 July thread where you tell us you voted Tory after all because Keir Starmer wanted to cut your balls off with a rusty penknife. Anyway, what *do* 'A's...
Fork Me It's been fun. It ends tomorrow though, but we're still on "Bl" for a little longer.
Fork Me
1 Like Fork Me liked a post by Luna in the thread All these old threads got me remembering...
Luna The first search engine I remember is 'Ask Jeeves' which is, amazingly, still around.
Chris Mitchell
3 Likes Chris Mitchell liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread The SPANKING of Lee
Scrotnig Well...XMB at that time, same as Karl used. vBulletin was a couple of years later but it was able to import the data from XMB. There were about six weeks before XMB when we were running on the "Suddenlaunch" platform...until a few years ago that...
2 Likes Luna liked a post by Reg Perrin in the thread Definitely UNboring food!
Reg Perrin Were the ones you met, and gave your money to, all Princes? Was that the problem?
2 Likes Luna liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread The SPANKING of Lee
Scrotnig Every so often I’ll bump an old thread just for nostalgic purpose, or possibly for a giggle. This is one such thread. The stuff in this thread was already considered ancient history when the thread was posted TWENTY ONE years ago! :o ...
2 Likes Luna liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread The SPANKING of Lee
Scrotnig Yes that might be phun to do.
3 Likes Luna liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread The SPANKING of Lee
Scrotnig Well...XMB at that time, same as Karl used. vBulletin was a couple of years later but it was able to import the data from XMB. There were about six weeks before XMB when we were running on the "Suddenlaunch" platform...until a few years ago that...
Fork Me
3 Likes Fork Me liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread The SPANKING of Lee
Scrotnig Well...XMB at that time, same as Karl used. vBulletin was a couple of years later but it was able to import the data from XMB. There were about six weeks before XMB when we were running on the "Suddenlaunch" platform...until a few years ago that...
Chris Mitchell
2 Likes Chris Mitchell liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread Leeds
Scrotnig That's because nobody wants to go there! :q6
2 Likes Luna liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread Leeds
Scrotnig That's because nobody wants to go there! :q6
1 Like Luna liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread Leeds
Scrotnig I'm certainly not alone in my views on Leeds. You will certainly find people who think it's great - but these tend to more well-off people, who hob-nob around in the posh restaurants and bars of the city centre. I daresay that aspect is just like...
1 Like Luna liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread Leeds
Scrotnig It’s not. HTH
1 Like Luna liked a post by Fork Me in the thread WORDLE
Fork Me Wordle 1,080 4/6 🟦⬜⬜⬜⬜ 🟧⬜🟧🟧⬜ 🟧🟧🟧🟧⬜ 🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧
Chris Mitchell
Fork Me There was no nutjob rant in the Guardian, just a report on published research by a scientist who may or may ot be a lefty, I see no evidence either way. ...and yes, I have read the actual article, rather than just the headline. Neither she, nor...

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