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1 Like Luna liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread Election Interference Alert
Scrotnig This is the same Google who ruthlessly censored any anti-lockdown, anti-Covid vaccine views. It’s an agenda.
1 Like NotLaup liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread The Church of England is DEAD TO ME
Scrotnig Aaarrggh. When FN returns, we’re both DEED. Deed I say.
Reg Perrin
2 Likes Reg Perrin liked a post by Fairy_Nuff in the thread The Church of England is DEAD TO ME
Fairy_Nuff Sunrise to sunset. :yup:
1 Like Scrotnig liked a post by NotLaup in the thread The Church of England is DEAD TO ME
NotLaup now I can’t get this out of my heed! :blank:
Fork Me
Fairy_Nuff Oh, bless... Señor! :throb: I remember going with my Dad to buy this, from Woolworths (!), on day of release. Happy memories. I love this too, no matter what the 'critics' may say - what do they know anyway? :stickt:
Fork Me
1 Like Fork Me liked a post by Fairy_Nuff in the thread Fairy Nuff
Fairy_Nuff You wash your mouth out! :noshake:
Chris Mitchell Asexuals joining rugby clubs aren't terribly convincing.
2 Likes NotLaup liked a post by Fairy_Nuff in the thread The Church of England is DEAD TO ME
Fairy_Nuff Sunrise to sunset. :yup:
Chris Mitchell Asexuals joining rugby clubs aren't terribly convincing.
1 Like Luna liked a post by misty15 in the thread Poem of the week - 200 - Rabbits and Hares
misty15 MARCH HARES I made myself as a tree, No withered leaf twirling on me; No, not a bird that stirred the boughs, As looking out from wizard brows I watched those lithe and lovely forms That raised the leaves in storms. I watched them leap and...
1 Like Luna liked a post by misty15 in the thread Poem of the week - 200 - Rabbits and Hares
misty15 Epitaph on a Hare By William Cowper Here lies, whom hound did ne’er pursue, Nor swifter greyhound follow, Whose foot ne’er tainted morning dew, Nor ear heard huntsman’s hallo’, Old Tiney, surliest of his kind, Who, nursed with tender...
1 Like Scrotnig liked a post by Chris Mitchell in the thread Doctor Who and the spoon
Chris Mitchell Hah yes - like the "Yes, I'm 18 or over / No, I'm under 18" buttons. Guess which one under-18s click?
Chris Mitchell
1 Like Chris Mitchell liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread Doctor Who and the spoon
Scrotnig A disappointing episode after a great first part. He inserted the spoon into that 1970s tv screen at some point, because he needed metal, for some reason. However, this meme is hilarious if you are familiar with both the latest episode and...
Chris Mitchell
1 Like Chris Mitchell liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread Doctor Who and the spoon
Scrotnig .
1 Like NotLaup liked a post by Chris Mitchell in the thread The Church of England is DEAD TO ME
Chris Mitchell And they've done a hatchet job on him now. Some might say just desserts. I, however, could not possibly comment.
1 Like NotLaup liked a post by Reg Perrin in the thread The Church of England is DEAD TO ME
Reg Perrin Have you thought of becoming a Druid?
1 Like misty15 liked a post by Luna in the thread Poem of the week - 200 - Rabbits and Hares
Luna The Song of Seven by Walter de la Mare The Song of Seven Far away, and long ago– May sweet Memory be forgiven! Came a Wizard in the evening, And he sang the Song of Seven. Yes, he plucked his jangling harp-strings With fingers...
1 Like misty15 liked a post by Luna in the thread Poem of the week - 200 - Rabbits and Hares
Luna All Things that Love the Sun (from Resolution and Independence) by William Wordsworth All things that love the sun are out of doors; The sky rejoices in the morning’s birth; The grass is bright with rain drops; - on the moors The hare is running...
1 Like misty15 liked a post by Luna in the thread Poem of the week - 200 - Rabbits and Hares
Luna Rabbit Stew by Solarjinx Rabbit Stew I need to save the garden from invasion- feral rabbits starved by a city without vegetation. They approach on miserable stumps, bumping and humping soil like a terrestrial disease, inching closer.. advancing...
Chris Mitchell
Bill. MC Eeeeuurrrrgh!
2 Likes Scrotnig liked a post by Bill. MC in the thread I’m going to start my own political party
Bill. MC Eeeeuurrrrgh!
Fork Me
Chris Mitchell I remember growing up in the 1960s. I got measles, mumps, German measles, scarlet fever and chickenpox and I was fine. Lucky me. My neighbour, the same age as me, was profoundly deaf and had to go to a special school. He was deaf because his mother...
1 Like Luna liked a post by Bill. MC in the thread Heat health alert issued for most of England
Bill. MC Not a health risk for me. Despite me being an auld kunt I live in cauld Scotchland and I've never been jabbed.
1 Like Luna liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread Heat health alert issued for most of England
Scrotnig Heat health alert issued for most of England - with warning of 'significant impacts' in parts of country The alert warns of the threat of increased deaths among older and vulnerable people - with the heat expected to last until midweek before giving...
2 Likes NotLaup liked a post by Luna in the thread Inappropriate Social Media Posts
Luna That makes two of us!

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