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1 Like Luna liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread Compare and Contrast
Scrotnig Try telling that to lefties. They insist we need to ban cars, stop heating our homes, and eat insects instead of meat. :rolleyes:
1 Like Luna liked a post by Chris Mitchell in the thread Definitely UNboring food!
Chris Mitchell When I was seven we went on a package deal coach trip across Europe, ending up in Italy. This was 1967, so spaghetti was considered "foreign muck", as it still is on Planet Scrot, and we were served a dish of spaghetti with tomato sauce and parmesan...
Chris Mitchell
1 Like Chris Mitchell liked a post by Luna in the thread I've just watched Doctor Who
Luna Who's going to break the news to David Ike that his lizards are really slugs? It could really push him over the edge of the flat earth!
Chris Mitchell
1 Like Chris Mitchell liked a post by Luna in the thread Definitely UNboring food!
Luna I would never, ever, buy any cheese already grated because of the additives! When it comes to Parmesan Reggiano I am lucky - there is an Italian deli in town - I can buy the genuine article.
Chris Mitchell
Fork Me
2 Likes Luna liked a post by Fork Me in the thread The Fork Me digital music collection thread...
Fork Me It's been fun. It ends tomorrow though, but we're still on "Bl" for a little longer.
1 Like Luna liked a post by Reg Perrin in the thread Trump is a Horror
Reg Perrin Archduke Franz Ferdinand was shot. Presidents Reagan and Lincoln (and probably more) were shot, Spencer Percival was shot, Indira Gandhi was fact the list is fuckin endless.
1 Like Luna liked a post by NotLaup in the thread Trump is a Horror
NotLaup JR was shot.... but I forget by whom
Fork Me
1 Like Fork Me liked a post by Luna in the thread Trump is a Horror
Luna Ah - but - was it reported on Wiki? If not, it didn't happen.:D
1 Like NotLaup liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread 1 in 5000 are intersex
Scrotnig Uuurrgghh
2 Likes NotLaup liked a post by Chris Mitchell in the thread Trump is a Horror
Chris Mitchell I thought you'd approve of his pro-Israel anti-woke agenda?
1 Like Luna liked a post by Fork Me in the thread Trump is a Horror
Fork Me Hitler was shot... ...albeit by himself.
1 Like Luna liked a post by Fork Me in the thread Trump is a Horror
Fork Me Mussolini was shot...
1 Like Luna liked a post by Chris Mitchell in the thread Definitely UNboring food!
Chris Mitchell Is it freshly grated Italian Parmesan Reggiano, or the tub of dried stuff that smells of sick?
1 Like Luna liked a post by Fairy_Nuff in the thread Definitely UNboring food!
Fairy_Nuff Vile, vile stuff! :r0
Bill. MC
2 Likes Bill. MC liked a post by Chris Mitchell in the thread Trump is a Horror
Chris Mitchell I thought you'd approve of his pro-Israel anti-woke agenda?
1 Like Luna liked a post by parsonstreet in the thread Trump is a Horror
parsonstreet He is one of the worst Human beings to have existed. A Lying, narcissistic, psychopathic Philanderer. And Yet millions of Americans want to vote him into power again. A bullet would be cheaper than yet another trial. Or maybe a silver...
1 Like Luna liked a post by Chris Mitchell in the thread Rob Burrow
Chris Mitchell To be fair, it's a valid question to ask, and has been raised in a serious medical paper ( although the conclusion was that head injuries probably don't contribute to MND. But the fact it was...
1 Like Luna liked a post by misty15 in the thread Sunrise and/or Sunset
misty15 At Sunset by Madison Cawein Into the sunset's turquoise marge The moon dips, like a pearly barge Enchantment sails through magic seas To fairyland Hesperides, Over the hills and away. Into the fields, in ghost-gray gown, ...
1 Like Luna liked a post by misty15 in the thread Sunrise and/or Sunset
misty15 {my Beautiful Sunrise} As dawn greets the day And sunlight sparkles Rays pouring down Senses come alive Moments to enjoy Life to be lived When the sun rises up The sky suffusing with light A calming ensues I think of you And all of the moments...
1 Like misty15 liked a post by Luna in the thread Sunrise and/or Sunset
Luna Sunset Rain by Ronald Chapman Cannons echoing in the west, Birds returning to their nests, Oranges, reds and yellows, painting a watercolor sky. Bright flashes beaming, memories of the past, Thumping rooftop rain, Raindrops are rolling. Into...
1 Like misty15 liked a post by Luna in the thread Sunrise and/or Sunset
Luna A sunset after the rain by Christina Canalizo Metallics dance amongst the waves, gently lapping against the shore. A lone bird glides over the surface, a flash of white chirping in the wind. The trees are bathed in glistening dew, their life...
Chris Mitchell
1 Like Chris Mitchell liked a post by NotLaup in the thread Rob Burrow
NotLaup I really fancied him but i think that was because I knew he was bat-shit-krazy and would destroy my entire life....... I don't mind
1 Like NotLaup liked a post by Chris Mitchell in the thread Rob Burrow
Chris Mitchell Well, his face looked like a smacked arse, so I suppose it's plausible that his arse looked like a pretty face, and not the fluorescent ginger hairy monstrosity that I imagined in my most fevered imagination.
Chris Mitchell Scrot still hasn't explained why he believes the Zionist lizard overlords who want to wipe out the human race have only launched their evil plot in a low-circulation newspaper. Maybe all will become clear in this week's episode of Doctor Who?

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