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Chris Mitchell
1 Like Chris Mitchell liked a post by wishingwell in the thread I’m off to Cornwall again
wishingwell Could have invented new Dr Who villains Chris.
Chris Mitchell
1 Like Chris Mitchell liked a post by wishingwell in the thread I’m off to Cornwall again
wishingwell Scrotties!
Chris Mitchell
3 Likes Chris Mitchell liked a post by Bill. MC in the thread Summer Solstice Celebrations
Bill. MC yes
Chris Mitchell
wishingwell I just found the collective noun for a group of ladybirds, any guesses? I also found that under 'plan' in the thesaurus lists 'Leicester and Leicestershire' was there a famous plan hatched there? Off to find out the collective noun for earwigs, hope...
Chris Mitchell
1 Like Chris Mitchell liked a post by wishingwell in the thread Should we castrate earwigs?
wishingwell We have another catchphrase now, besides Jolly good, every time Scrot slips into his own style of logic 'earwigo again!'
Chris Mitchell
1 Like Chris Mitchell liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread Should we castrate earwigs?
Scrotnig Well you won’t find any. I recently started a thread on this very subject, by uncanny coincidence.
1 Like Scrotnig liked a post by Luna in the thread Why do you never see earwigs any more?
Luna Start growing Dahlias - you will have earwigs by the hundreds!
1 Like Scrotnig liked a post by Reg Perrin in the thread Why do you never see earwigs any more?
Reg Perrin Our spuds and our tomatoes were affected by blight last year. The "fruit" i.e the spuds and the tomatoes were actually unaffected by it, but the plants ie the stalks and the leaves died within a week. You just have to be careful and clean.
1 Like Luna liked a post by Reg Perrin in the thread Why do you never see earwigs any more?
Reg Perrin Maybe you should dig a bit further into that and look into the British role.
1 Like Luna liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread Why do you never see earwigs any more?
Scrotnig A friend was wondering etc
The New Prince
Chris Mitchell Oh, very good! :rofl3:
Chris Mitchell
1 Like Chris Mitchell liked a post by wishingwell in the thread Who are your neighbours voting for?
wishingwell Scrot's been carving a model of Frages heed out of a lump of wood to put in his window, could have just put the lump of wood in.
Chris Mitchell
The New Prince They don't have a mental neighbour.
Chris Mitchell
BobBobson I wish to lodge a complaint about this thread. It's correct wording should be: Ye'll nevah tek me alive yer copper bastads
Scrotnig You’ll never take me alive, copper!
3 Likes Luna liked a post by Bill. MC in the thread Summer Solstice Celebrations
Bill. MC yes
1 Like Luna liked a post by Reg Perrin in the thread Boring Foods
Reg Perrin Ugly bag of mostly water.
TheDruid 3X3
3 Likes TheDruid 3X3 liked a post by Bill. MC in the thread Summer Solstice Celebrations
Bill. MC yes
1 Like Luna liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread RIP Michael Mosley
Scrotnig So sad and must’ve been an awful way to go. :( :rip2:
1 Like Luna liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread Who are your neighbours voting for?
Scrotnig Me neither. People are sick of shite politicians…all of them.
1 Like NotLaup liked a post by Chris Mitchell in the thread Nail in the coffin.
Chris Mitchell They even look alike! I've heard it's not unusual amongst boys who went to posh schools to marry their sisters.
3 Likes NotLaup liked a post by Fork Me in the thread Nail in the coffin.
Fork Me (Kino will now be convinced by this totally perfect photograph and think they're actually together...)
2 Likes NotLaup liked a post by Fork Me in the thread Nail in the coffin.
Fork Me ...and they make a lovely couple...
2 Likes NotLaup liked a post by Chris Mitchell in the thread Nail in the coffin.
Chris Mitchell Because he thought his heroine, Suella Braverman, was going to take over. She gets him moist in all his secret "A" places :yup2:
1 Like NotLaup liked a post by The New Prince in the thread Nail in the coffin.
The New Prince It's not abuse if it's true.

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