Conversation Between cliveanne and Raffles

15 Visitor Messages

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  1. Raffles -
    Thanks, clive, I'll take a look. it won't work on Opera so I'll have to use another browser.
  2. cliveanne -
    I must. Plans are full for this year & the first half of next. You want to try it here in S'Derbyshire. It's got it's good & bad points. Take a look at the good My last entry.
  3. Raffles -
    I LOVE it here, been here 9 years and will never leave.
    You must get back.
  4. cliveanne -
    It's years since I was on the I O W Nice place. must go back again one day.
  5. Raffles -
    Oh, I see your pic. next time you will win but runner-up is good I see the winning one was on Shanklin beach here on the IOW!
  6. cliveanne -
    In reply to your comment "Oh, well done! What did you win and what did you have to do? A pic?

    Enjoy your walk in Saturday Nim " did you click the link? The picture's there.
    Missed out on some free clothing, must try again
  7. Raffles -
    Hehe, yes and not slimy and cold as many people think.
  8. cliveanne -
    Smooth & all muscle
  9. Raffles -
    Exactly! I have held one too here on the IOW at Amazon World. They feel so nice.
  10. cliveanne -
    It might be the only chance we have in life, so grab it & enjoy it...We did
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 15
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