Conversation Between cliveanne and Scrotnig

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Scrotnig -
    Hi Cliveanne;

    It's a tricky one. But if BT are saying the speed will be the same, then it's likely that your existing supplier is merely reselling the BT product wholesale. if that's the case, it would make no difference to the actual broadband if you switched. The only thing to consider is whether the support is any better.

    It may be worth investigating LLU providers such as Sky, to see if their service might provide a better speed. Sky only works though id you also take Sky's TV service, I think. But there are others. TalkTalk is one, I tend not to recommend them, but there are worse.

    LLU providers are ones where they have put their own equipment into BTs exchange, so they are not merely reselling BT products.

    Not sure if O2 is LLU or not to be honest.

    Have a look at as well, they are a general advice site for broadband.
  2. cliveanne -
    Hello Scrotnig. Did you see my update on the ISP?

    I have been in touch with BT . It seems I was on 0.8Mbps This is the max' I would get from BT if I swapped. The question remains...If I can get no better service from BT or others Am I just as well to stay with "Something" @ £20.00 per month inclusive of all calls 24/7 (no time limit) & up to 32 countries, no line rental, or pay BT £11.50 or whatever per month line rental plus calls & Broad Band charges from whatever ISP I choose.
    What do you think?
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