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1 Like Scrotnig liked a post by Chris Mitchell in the thread Anyone need any orange paint?
Chris Mitchell I heard that Mrs Tranter was going to paint the house that she shares with Sir Edward a vibrant orange, and got a discount job lot at a DIY store in Amesbury. As they were taking a shortcut back through a field to the car, Mrs Tranter slipped on a...
Chris Mitchell
2 Likes Chris Mitchell liked a post by wishingwell in the thread Long drive ahead
wishingwell You could holiday on that island off the west coast and send us your reports as 'Mitchell in Man'
Chris Mitchell
1 Like Chris Mitchell liked a post by NotLaup in the thread Long drive ahead
NotLaup No entry sign to Mitchell :vibrate:
Chris Mitchell
1 Like Chris Mitchell liked a post by wishingwell in the thread Seeking asylum is a human right
wishingwell I see Parage is on Fanarama in a bit, no doubt he will be mentioning all the benefits we will get from the abolition of the act, seems to have gone a bit queit on PR in last few days, not heard any bits on radio.
1 Like Luna liked a post by Fairy_Nuff in the thread Fairy Nuff
Fairy_Nuff She really does, you can see her trying - too hard - to be all ethereal and hippy dippy, and failing. Although there is a point where she raises her arms slightly... :g3 You're right though, about the experience, the crowds converging...
Fork Me
Fairy_Nuff Now this... this is... I cant even tell you how much I love this album! Where to begin? Of course it was about the breakdown of his relationship with Sara (though it wasn't fully over at this stage). You've covered the points I would have made -...
Scrotnig It’s worse than that, he’s deed Jim.
1 Like Luna liked a post by Fairy_Nuff in the thread Worst Pizza ever!
Fairy_Nuff I actually did laugh! :giggle:
2 Likes Luna liked a post by Fork Me in the thread Worst Pizza ever!
Fork Me Fuck hadn't realised this was just yet another fucking kino bumped thread...
2 Likes Fairy_Nuff liked a post by Fork Me in the thread Worst Pizza ever!
Fork Me Fuck hadn't realised this was just yet another fucking kino bumped thread...
1 Like wishingwell liked a post by The New Prince in the thread Seeking asylum is a human right
The New Prince Lucky there's nobody on BC stupid enough to fall for that then 🙄
Fork Me
1 Like Fork Me liked a post by wishingwell in the thread The Missing Tenerife Teenager
wishingwell I suppose each time there's any bombings of eg Israeli, British or American citizens and the press label them 'innocents' you will be doing background checks then pointing out all the victims faults/crimes?(that'll keep you occupied anyhow)
1 Like Scrotnig liked a post by Luna in the thread Long drive ahead
Luna Have a safe journey.
2 Likes Scrotnig liked a post by Chris Mitchell in the thread The Missing Tenerife Teenager
Chris Mitchell I agree. People are gullible; just look at the Major Tom debacle. I can understand that when someone in the US is hospitalised in a violent attack that their friends crowdsource money for hospital bills because the US healthcare system is a...
2 Likes Luna liked a post by wishingwell in the thread Long drive ahead
wishingwell You could holiday on that island off the west coast and send us your reports as 'Mitchell in Man'
2 Likes Luna liked a post by Chris Mitchell in the thread The Missing Tenerife Teenager
Chris Mitchell I agree. People are gullible; just look at the Major Tom debacle. I can understand that when someone in the US is hospitalised in a violent attack that their friends crowdsource money for hospital bills because the US healthcare system is a...
TheDruid 3X3
1 Like TheDruid 3X3 liked a post by Luna in the thread BULLSHIT!!
Luna He is a politician - what else would you expect?
1 Like NotLaup liked a post by Luna in the thread Why do you never see earwigs any more?
Luna "The insect's name comes from the Old English words eare (meaning Ear) and wicga (meaing wiggle) , which roughly translates to “ear wiggler” or “ear creature,” which is how the myth began about this type of insect crawling into your ears to lay...
3 Likes NotLaup liked a post by Luna in the thread Solstice on Glastonbury Tor
Luna NOT to be copied, moved, or interfered with in any way! SOLSTICE ON GLASTONBURY TOR by Luna In silence, alone but for the ghosts of those gone long before, I wait for the sunrise on the summit of Glastonbury Tor
1 Like NotLaup liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread The Truth about A's
Scrotnig .
1 Like NotLaup liked a post by Chris Mitchell in the thread The Truth about A's
Chris Mitchell Playgays.
TheDruid 3X3
3 Likes TheDruid 3X3 liked a post by Luna in the thread Solstice on Glastonbury Tor
Luna NOT to be copied, moved, or interfered with in any way! SOLSTICE ON GLASTONBURY TOR by Luna In silence, alone but for the ghosts of those gone long before, I wait for the sunrise on the summit of Glastonbury Tor
Scrotnig You’ll never take me alive, copper!
Chris Mitchell
2 Likes Chris Mitchell liked a post by Fork Me in the thread Long drive ahead
Fork Me Just looking at Cornish roads and found this scary place.
Chris Mitchell
1 Like Chris Mitchell liked a post by NotLaup in the thread Long drive ahead
NotLaup Cornwall is made of granite so is much denser too... The weight of a county must surely affect how long it feels OR quantum physics is a lie and Schrodinger actually had a dog

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