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  1. Cover your naked face FFS (15 replies)
  2. Like clockwork! (13 replies)
  3. Only 17000 REAL Covid deaths. (15 replies)
  4. Shifting Sands of Covid narrative... (0 replies)
  5. Restrictions ending is a scandal (5 replies)
  6. Sky News Article on lifting of restrictions (4 replies)
  7. Beware Of Canadian Mail! (5 replies)
  8. France records 479,000 new cases (4 replies)
  9. YOUSE all DISMISSED this as a CONSPIRACY THEORY at the time. (6 replies)
  10. Lowest Omicron rates among the unvaxxed in Scotchland. (1 replies)
  11. NHS Medical Adviser advises AGAINST Covid vaccination. (3 replies)
  12. Vaxxes n Boosters Cause vAIDS, sez European Medicine Agency. (11 replies)
  13. Becoming A Mysophobic Society (2 replies)
  14. Interview with Hatstand doctor who told Savij Jabid he faced losing his job over vaxx mandate. (21 replies)
  15. More footballers with heart problems. (4 replies)
  16. Today's media "I wish I'd got the vaccine" propaganda (6 replies)
  17. Another reminder of how all this works (1 replies)
  18. Starmer (0 replies)
  19. Never forget, they said things like this.... (3 replies)
  20. Seems that 3 double jabbed players have dropped out of Australian Open (6 replies)
  21. Anti-Vaxxers dying of Covid19 (44 replies)
  22. Do Not Comply! (2 replies)
  23. I hope Johnson does NOT resign (23 replies)
  24. PFIZER CEO: "two doses offers little protection, if any at all" (8 replies)
  25. Another Downing Street Party (1 replies)
  26. Refusing food to unmasked children (1 replies)
  27. Open Letter from JVCI to government requesting the reconsideration of the vaccination of children against Covid (20 replies)
  28. Covid rules for pubs (2 replies)
  29. Excluding “unvaccinated” people from society (7 replies)
  30. Media Scaremongering (7 replies)
  31. My two unvaxxed cousins and my aunt. (4 replies)
  32. The best ever Covid test! (1 replies)
  33. The Great Barrington Declaration (21 replies)
  34. Masks in classrooms (2 replies)
  35. Nursing unions are calling for a lockdown (8 replies)
  36. Keeping track of the Omicron health crisis in Scotchland (2 replies)
  37. Why they are desperate to Vax the kids: (6 replies)
  38. Just 3 weeks to flatten the curve.... (1 replies)
  39. Hospital visits banned again (3 replies)
  40. Selfish people (1 replies)
  41. Reiner Fuellmich: “New Findings… Enough to Dismantle the Entire (VAX) Industry!” (2 replies)
  42. I will not comply (2 replies)
  43. 'Flurona', a uniquely Israeli ailment. (11 replies)
  44. January 5th, New Laws coming in New York (16 replies)
  45. New York police throw an unvaccinated child out of a restaurant (1 replies)
  46. Sturgeon says Scots cannot go to England for new year (5 replies)
  47. Waes bans Parkrun (1 replies)
  48. It's just three weeks. (1 replies)
  49. Israel (3 replies)
  50. A Reminder (9 replies)
  51. Triple jabbed 4 times more likely to test for Omicron, than unjabbed..... (2 replies)
  52. X-Mas Eve Bedtime viewing for Experimental Human Guinea pigs.... (0 replies)
  53. Millions set for early FOURTH jab after it emerges booster effect starts wearing off after just 10 weeks (27 replies)
  54. First Omicron death story in the UK was a lie (0 replies)
  55. Interesting tidbit from the ONS on the triple jabbed and Omicron. (2 replies)
  56. In Wales you can be fined for going to work (4 replies)
  57. You couldn’t make it up (2 replies)
  58. The Blair Creature wants us to have a 4th jab (27 replies)
  59. Sport banned in Scotchland again (29 replies)
  60. Scrotnig's Pandemic Plan (2 replies)
  61. Nice bit of News (5 replies)
  62. Scrotnig's Covid Party Tips #324 (3 replies)
  63. 5,000 deaths a day predicted (17 replies)
  64. Lockdowns (13 replies)
  65. Better get Me Booster (3 replies)
  66. Sajid Javid (0 replies)
  67. Double Jabbed 3 times more likely than Unvaxxed to contract Omicron... (30 replies)
  68. Jabbed, Unjabbed, Jabbed, but refusing any more Boosters. (23 replies)
  69. Netherlands to go into full lockdown tomorrow (7 replies)
  70. SAGE want a Christmas lockdown now (3 replies)