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  1. Barnados (4 replies)
  2. Devaluation of the £pound! (2 replies)
  3. Message for Perrin & Co. (61 replies)
  4. Manchester City Council and Street Lamps (15 replies)
  5. The persecution of BNP supporters (5 replies)
  6. Best place to change Pounds to Euros? (8 replies)
  7. Ladies, be aware (12 replies)
  8. AIDS and promiscuous single mothers (10 replies)
  9. Radio Times Subscriptions (10 replies)
  10. Cool Shakespeare Lines from The Tempest (2 replies)
  11. Benefit claimants (80 replies)
  12. SEX. What makes it good? (15 replies)
  13. People Frighten me (110 replies)
  14. Noisy people (26 replies)
  15. Is this what is wanted ? (3 replies)
  16. Bloody unions at it now!! (25 replies)
  17. Not Going To Pubs No More!!! (53 replies)
  18. If there was a deity/God ... (6 replies)
  19. Disconnection notices (4 replies)
  20. Tory MP Arrested. (0 replies)
  21. Where you abused as a child? (18 replies)
  22. What does this say about the state of the World? (12 replies)
  23. How Can You prove....? (95 replies)
  24. Nokia 1680 - how do I transfer data? (6 replies)
  25. For the Scientists among us. (11 replies)
  26. Have you ever contemplated Suicide? (59 replies)
  27. Is it true (9 replies)
  28. Working the mind (2 replies)
  29. Government budget - Good move or doomed to failure ? (38 replies)
  30. Comedy (14 replies)
  31. *Cannot be named for 'legal reasons'.* (10 replies)
  32. The McCanns (7 replies)
  33. Maxine Carr (15 replies)
  34. How can we punish Social Workers (132 replies)
  35. STOP FREE BENEFITS TO THE OLD (57 replies)
  36. Great prime ministers we never had (9 replies)
  37. I can't believe Sainsbury's advert for Baileys (21 replies)
  38. My Germany is the World's Conscience (7 replies)
  39. Is Myra Hindley Dead? (45 replies)
  40. 'Work for benefits' plan unveiled. (134 replies)
  41. Solstice's quote of the day (12 replies)
  42. Jax Avatar (2 replies)
  43. BNP Membership (525 replies)
  44. His Lordship Lord Mandelson (2 replies)
  45. Internet Use At Work (46 replies)
  46. Migration Watch (38 replies)
  47. Stop Bloody Moaning! (11 replies)
  48. Let's have another try. (73 replies)
  49. Do you like the "The End of the Affair"? (9 replies)
  50. Is your cat plotting to kill you? (16 replies)
  51. Gordon Brown has bankrupted Europe (30 replies)
  52. Look what I've found (3 replies)
  53. Why is the pound falling so much? (103 replies)
  54. Interfering people (5 replies)
  55. Workers, wealthy people and dole scum (46 replies)
  56. Saving Africa's Witch Children (15 replies)
  57. WHO WAS JACK THE RIPPER (37 replies)
  58. How would you change the world? (26 replies)
  59. Evils of capitalism (18 replies)
  60. Weather... (5 replies)
  61. Any old iron (3 replies)
  62. Spot the BNP (6 replies)
  63. What is racism? (1 replies)
  64. Jurassic Park author dead (6 replies)
  65. Nature screwed up (19 replies)
  66. Pointless? (3 replies)
  67. A-Z of excuses for getting out of jury service (15 replies)
  68. BT to charge for NOT providing a service. Is this legal? (6 replies)
  69. Private Moderators' Forum (21 replies)
  70. Jury Service (17 replies)