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  1. Lord Ponsonby's Son's Opinion on Russia (18 replies)
  2. Sending them Some Abuse (1 replies)
  3. Here is the Ukraine That you are all Standing with. (38 replies)
  4. Is Blackpool next on Putin's list? (27 replies)
  5. Have the world's warmongers learned nothing? (10 replies)
  6. The Cashless Society? (50 replies)
  7. I am being triggered (10 replies)
  8. Gypsies: a serious discussion (31 replies)
  9. Justin Trudeau. In hiding, or went running to uncle Klaus to get new orders? (2 replies)
  10. Klaus Schwab is clearly proud of his Bond villain credentials. (0 replies)
  11. Couple won't sell house to gay men! (20 replies)
  12. The difference between a good leader and a shit leader. (19 replies)
  13. Study finds rationality declined decades ago (3 replies)
  14. JFK - Assasination (57 replies)
  15. 'War Game' staging a digital attack taking down the global financial system? (4 replies)
  16. Sturgeon Again (2 replies)
  17. I thoroughly recommend giving this some of your time. (8 replies)
  18. After a night (8 replies)
  19. Boris the Barmy - Dictator! (8 replies)
  20. If BoJo was a member of Thatcher's Cabnet... (15 replies)
  21. This is an important read (13 replies)
  22. King William the Last? (5 replies)
  23. One of the Double Jabbed casualties, who my brother knows...... (17 replies)
  24. A Little look at Chris Mitchell's COVID ICU 'experts' claims. (15 replies)
  25. Democracy (33 replies)
  26. Earthquake!!! (12 replies)
  27. Trust The Science! (26 replies)
  28. Is Bob just too angry (23 replies)
  29. Consumer Culture and the Young Generation (10 replies)
  30. How can the mental health services me improved? (47 replies)
  31. 30K people died within 21 days of having Covid Vaccine. (6 replies)
  32. 9/11: Do you believe the official version of events? (64 replies)
  33. "Banter" (22 replies)
  34. The guy two doors down from us (50 replies)
  35. Labour won't win the next election (52 replies)
  36. Obsession (39 replies)
  37. Dordie (3 replies)
  38. US Health Service stealth recordings. Vaccine is Full of Shit. Heart Problems not being recorded. (26 replies)
  39. Sphinx (4 replies)
  40. Have eco-warriors got their priorities wrong? (9 replies)
  41. Imperial vs Metric (30 replies)
  42. Kaboom! Aussie Billionaire publicly nails corrupt Covid jab pushing NSW Premier. (6 replies)
  43. Shut up, Martha (4 replies)
  44. Savile Town (261 replies)
  45. Supermarket Shelves..... (10 replies)
  46. Freedom Of Speech (32 replies)
  47. Geriatrics bumped off with Midazolam during Lockdown and registered as Covid19 deaths. (5 replies)
  48. In order to go to France (35 replies)
  49. Petitions (12 replies)
  50. Medal Tally (7 replies)
  51. Israel, the most VAXXED country on Earth, Going back into Lockdown in September. (1 replies)
  52. Your Political Compass (22 replies)
  53. Anti Champagne Socialists (55 replies)
  54. here we go again.. Shamima Begum.... (21 replies)
  55. Does everyone like my new avatar? (4 replies)
  56. Irish Divorse (9 replies)
  57. It's nice to see a USS Enterprise bridge officer still doing good work. (1 replies)
  58. SDP (15 replies)
  59. Does anyone ever in their lifetime remember...... (17 replies)
  60. Disaster movies (34 replies)
  61. Why do certain BAME People hate 'Cultural Appropriation' (20 replies)
  62. Is Martha the new Mijokean? (11 replies)
  63. I Miss Sphinx. (6 replies)
  64. Starmers not cutting the mustard (4 replies)
  65. Privacy notice (11 replies)
  66. Pfizer Vaxx kills 2 year old girl. (3 replies)
  67. You Don't Know What You Are Taking!? (12 replies)
  68. The Rightards (42 replies)
  69. Flying the flag (31 replies)
  70. History' (5 replies)