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  1. 4th December - St Barbara's Day
  2. 5th December - Snails beware!
  3. 6th Dec - St Nicholas Feast
  4. Robins
  5. Dec 20th, St Thomas's Eve - beware of ghosts!
  6. Dec 21st - Winter Solstice
  7. Dec 28th - Childermass
  8. New Year's Eve or 6th day of Christmas.
  9. New Year's Day - Jan 1st
  10. January 4th - Tenth day of Christmas
  11. Saturnalia
  12. St Distaff's Day
  13. Plough Monday!
  14. The Coldest day of the year!
  15. A Curse!
  16. Candlemas Day - Feast of the Purification
  17. St Agatha's Day
  18. King Charles II
  19. Spring equinox
  20. Paganistic Mythical Dragons
  21. Set hens now for Spring chickens!
  22. Mithralism
  23. Lenten Fast
  24. Penny Loaf Day - (you should always heed warnings!!)
  25. Blue/Purple Periwinkle now in flower
  26. Beware the Ides of March
  27. March Chickens now hatching.
  28. Vernal Equinox - Sun in Aries
  29. March 22nd - Observe the Nose!
  30. St Gabriel's Day
  31. Lady Day - first day of the year ...
  32. March Hares
  33. Morris Dancers
  34. The first of the 'Borrowing Days' !
  35. April 4th - beware agues and other excesses
  36. Potatoes - have a lot answer for!
  37. Switzerland's Celtic Heritage
  38. St Mark's Eve - Do you dare to try ...
  39. April 25th - Cowslip Day
  40. Beltane Eve
  41. May - eat sage this month, care for your health.
  42. Today is Dotterel Day !
  43. Today is St Pancras Day
  44. 'Tis the Well-Dressing Season
  45. "Frankin's Days"