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  1. Sing-along with the royal family
  2. Do you want to see..?
  3. Have I the energy to have a wink?
  4. The old bastard is in the ground....
  5. I am 97% Leftie
  6. Generating new Christians
  7. Immigrants pay more in taxes than they receive in benefits and services.
  8. Why not just ask the rich and Huge Companies to pay more tax?
  9. Thread Fuckers and one 'word' merchants
  10. So exactly how British are you
  11. Bravery
  12. The flouncing thread
  13. babysitting at the moment................
  14. Am I a "rightard"?
  15. The Fled Thread
  16. Cleaning my cupboards out today
  17. Where did all the good trolls go?
  18. I am missing Laupy
  19. Calidore's Theme Tune
  20. Happy Holidays
  21. Sunset Times
  22. if
  23. The 'let's be nice to Beliz3' thread. :D
  24. I'm off down the pub
  25. Alice's hairdressing tips for men - because you're worth it.
  26. Where is memnoch?
  27. 'Exceptional' weather to hit UK
  28. what goes 1st
  29. Torquay: The Last Night
  30. New year, new start
  31. Alice! Thank Goodness you are back!
  32. I'm always far too tired
  33. The secret of life according to Memnoch.
  34. Tomorrow, Matthew, I am going to....
  35. Rewriting the gay dictionary
  36. I seem to have come down with Man Flu
  37. Where's the Winter Olympics forum?
  38. Neknominations
  39. Do you know how the internet works?
  40. Laup wins longest flounce award
  41. The Queen is now poor
  42. Reasons why the royal family are better than us!
  43. Old School Tie
  44. Made in Chelsea
  45. Frightfuly good advice!
  46. The Angle of the Hyptenuse
  47. Keep him out the boring bin.....
  48. Andyastro
  49. Do you expect to ever have sex again?
  50. Prince Charles
  51. Should Parsonstreet be made to breed?
  52. I stole Sphinx's boyfriend, and I do not tire of him
  53. When Boy Bands go bad... LISTEN!
  54. Russia: Woman charged under anti-gay law over social network page
  55. Gay Men singing about Women thread!
  56. Berkeley Square
  57. Andyastro is right. We're all going to hell.
  58. Pinch, punch, first of the month
  59. Nigella is a sexy bitch
  60. astros excursions
  61. I'm planning an overnight trip to Leeds
  62. QUIZ: Which of the Four Divine States Are You?
  63. Al's big night out
  64. I just learnt something not very interesting
  65. why do
  66. blocks
  67. Following on...
  68. Trip to Leeds
  69. The Huff has forgotten who everyone is and where they live thread
  70. Weather thread