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  1. Hitler's White male prejudices
  2. I Hate Heterosexuality
  3. :(
  4. Off for a drive
  5. Open top cars. What a load of crap.
  6. Memnoch
  7. Music.....?
  8. Government to face legal action by returned asylum-seeker
  9. Did Jesus exist?
  10. Unwell, alone, in mental torment and losing hope
  11. Are you proud of your life?
  12. Come Dine With Me
  13. Text Art
  14. For people who have sneezed at least once in the last month.......
  15. I drove all night
  16. Parson's Big Adventure!
  17. Who Do You Think May Win A Million
  18. todays quote
  19. Depressed
  20. Can a straight man be turned on by another man?
  21. For women the idea of two beautiful men making out
  22. Tomorrow is Bowland's Straight Pride
  23. Sundays
  24. straightophobia
  25. "Only Morons Vote BNP"
  26. President Obama
  27. German gays raise child!
  28. Appalling
  29. another gay day
  30. can a
  31. Are heterosexuals any good at parenting?
  32. Am I A Crashing Bore?
  33. That Chair wot Chris gave me
  34. Complete nutters on Big Brother
  35. Would you ever make out with a blow up doll?
  36. I am going......
  37. Where is Jilly Barvis?
  38. Name and shame!
  39. I hate men!! (again)
  40. There are too many Mysteries in this world!!
  41. Pissheads nearly blow up house next door
  42. Today is cold.
  43. Are we born to our political views?
  44. Homophobe, Homophobe, Homophobe
  45. Bi-sexual men
  46. The diagnose Parsonstreet's mental health thread
  47. Advice about mp3 player
  48. Why are so many famous people dead?
  49. Is there anyone in BC forems who is not suffering from Aspergers?
  50. D day
  51. No Offence
  52. Homosexuals Only
  53. Can you imagine being Gay?
  54. No Off fence
  55. Police vans filming us in the street
  56. Rain......
  57. Monkey babies
  58. Just Wondering
  59. I'm finally being let out...
  60. The BC dinner party from hell
  61. Oh no .... exam time!
  62. It's a bright sunny day
  63. I determined to make a thread that no one replies to.
  64. Are you a Snob?
  65. You never know
  66. The World Will End In 2018?
  67. 'Gangsta gene' identified in US teens
  68. have i I missed anything?
  69. FAO Lady Lush
  70. Just booked.......