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  1. Germans
  2. Did Winston Churchill have a small winkle ?
  3. Kensington Highstreet
  4. A pic of Tabs and a couple from the lap dancing club.
  5. My really good new web site
  6. David Cameron supports gay civil partnership
  7. I don't like my peenan
  8. Am I greedy or am I GREEDY!
  9. Where are nickNN and lynL tonight?
  10. Is it wrong to have hissy fits on forums
  11. Now let us praise famous men
  12. Donald Trump
  13. This site may save you cash
  14. I now have (kinda) mechanised transport :D
  15. They don't make things like they used to.
  16. Freezing
  17. How I am descended from the Prophet Muhammad
  18. I saw this and thought of Lawpy ...
  19. the earth never moved for me
  20. My CV.
  21. Winston Churchill was foreign
  22. Bloody Hell so was Oliver Cromwell
  23. Sir Alec Douglas-Home
  24. Sir Anthony Eden
  25. David Cameron is foreign too
  26. OMG The Duke of Wellington
  27. Kissing cousins
  28. DNA of the inhabitants of Polynesian island Rarotonga
  29. Sun-free tan protects against cancer
  30. Who is the most boring person on Bowland ?
  31. Someone called me a BITXH!!!!!
  32. 'Environmental Campaigners'
  33. I am the Prophet of the God of Poofs ...
  34. Ewwwww
  35. The pedantry thread
  36. Bored
  37. The 'Alt Gr' key ...
  38. One down, one to go.
  39. Hmmmm.......
  40. 101 Ways to play around with intrusive cold-callers ...
  41. Cold-callers should be banned ...
  42. If you were a cold-caller ...
  43. Cold-callers ...
  44. Time for some shaved pussy I think ...
  45. Good work that council.
  46. Shopping
  47. Up at 6.30am!
  48. Recycling Farce
  49. well l been told off
  50. Clocks
  51. Guess Who has a new 'Welcome' Forum?
  52. Folks......
  53. F.A.O. George
  54. Nation States
  55. FAO Sphinx. And other people, older than Sphinx.
  56. Another Sock-Puppet
  57. Excellent Blog.
  58. Just to let you know.
  59. Round and Round and Round etc.
  60. Cry wolf!
  61. A Lie.
  62. I did it !!!!!
  63. Ebay
  64. WOW
  65. I'll be gone........
  66. Waters MEET
  67. MEET & 2 VEG
  68. Irish MEET