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  1. What was the Big Deal about Jesus being Nailed to a Cross
  2. Is Witchcraft more Acceptable to Christians in this Day & Age
  3. Sex is a Sacred Act
  4. Lammas Night
  5. Raisin's back
  6. Adultery
  7. Homosexuals and other obscenities in the eyes of the Lord
  8. Homosexuals
  9. Suicide
  10. Women in the church
  11. TEN reasons why MEN should not be ordained!
  12. Is The Lord's Prayer a good name for the prayer?
  13. FAO Raisin Arizona
  14. Witches will not be in His Kingdom
  15. Reputation scheme?
  16. Same sex marriages
  17. Do Pagan Gods have an Objective Existence
  18. Responsibilities
  19. Catholics dont represent Christ
  20. Catholicism-Nazicism
  21. I an the spirit of truth
  22. catholics and the beast
  23. If I wanted to be a Neo-Nazi
  24. What is the Most Important Responsibility
  25. The Roman Catholic Church is Anti-Feminist
  26. What does the Average Christian Look Like
  27. Freedom of Speech
  28. Monogamy
  29. Witchcraft and/or Magick
  30. Angels
  31. I am the real Angel of the Apocalypse
  32. I am the Real BillMC
  33. Calidore is Infinitely more Spiritual
  34. Should Calidore be the New Pope
  35. Wishing Calidore and all Brothers in Christ a blessed Lughnasadh
  36. Pagans will loose Their Salvation
  37. Are Angels 'gods'?
  38. The Wiccan Pagan Tradition
  39. Hitler was a catholic
  40. Can the real Bill stand up
  41. I AM The Real Angel of The Apocalypse
  42. Nazis will go to Hell
  43. Witches will go to Hell
  44. Poofters must Repent
  45. Roman Catholics must Wake Up
  46. I am not tempted
  47. What is So Funny about Farts?
  48. The Concept of Men having Babies is Stoopid
  49. Should those who raise a subject in the wrong forum and then say nothing be ignored?
  50. Just Ignore this Thread
  51. Should People who ask for the Definitions of Words used during a Discussion be Ignore
  52. If I do not Exist
  53. Is it Ethical to copy Themes under discussion in One Forum into Another Forum?
  54. Just in Case
  55. FAO AndyAstro
  56. Reiteration Part I
  57. If Angels are gods then Should We worship AndyAstro
  58. There Will be Many Christs
  59. Angel of the Apocalypse
  60. Transforming Christianity
  61. Transforming Islam
  62. What is Your Pagan Tradition?
  63. All those who believe in telekinetics
  64. What exactly is an "Inadequate" Person?
  65. Here is Something I picked Up Elsewhere
  66. Justice 1
  67. There is but one true God
  68. High positions of Atheism
  69. Atheists are fools
  70. Sins and sinners