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2 Likes Luna liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread The Manic Street Preachers warned us about this
Scrotnig .
Scrotnig .
1 Like Scrotnig liked a post by wishingwell in the thread Have you ever posted a smurf?
wishingwell It could be a jolly euphemism especially if you look up what alternatives the term 'smurf' is applied to, and also if it relates to trying to box and wrap and mail one, postage costs, type of cardboard, airhole to weight ratio etc.
1 Like Scrotnig liked a post by Chris Mitchell in the thread Have you ever posted a smurf?
Chris Mitchell I did post one once, but it was damaged when the postman rammed it through the letterbox.
2 Likes BobBobson liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread Have you ever posted a smurf?
Scrotnig I did once, but I think I got away with it.
Chris Mitchell
2 Likes Chris Mitchell liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread Have you ever posted a smurf?
Scrotnig I did once, but I think I got away with it.
2 Likes Scrotnig liked a post by Fairy_Nuff in the thread I hate millionaires!
Fairy_Nuff :yeah4: :irked: :@ :no: :@
2 Likes Scrotnig liked a post by parsonstreet in the thread Trans women breastfeeding
parsonstreet It is a fetish and nothing else. It is paedophilia. And the medical practitioners endorsing this as well as the ones doing the Doctor Mengele body modifications should be serving life in prison.
2 Likes Luna liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread I hate millionaires!
Scrotnig Yikes. I must try harder not to post smurfs. jove I think I've got it!
2 Likes Luna liked a post by NotLaup in the thread I hate millionaires!
NotLaup Bristol seems to be full of houses worth a Million pounds.....Millionaire means a million pound income a year? When I was a kid Millionaire really meant something... Now it means people in ordinary houses in areas that the gays moved into and then...
2 Likes Luna liked a post by Fairy_Nuff in the thread I hate millionaires!
Fairy_Nuff :yeah4: :irked: :@ :no: :@
4 Likes superwoman liked a post by Chris Mitchell in the thread What have you done today?
Chris Mitchell I used to be very impressed that Canada geese flew all that way to come here every year, only to discover that although a few Canada geese do come over here from Canada, most of the ones here were introduced in the 18th century so are nth-generation...
3 Likes superwoman liked a post by Luna in the thread What have you done today?
Luna Shocking - invading UK airspace, interbreeding, no passports - shouldn't be allowed. Send them all to Rwanda on the next plane!
3 Likes superwoman liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread Remembering Sphinx on her birthday - 2024
Scrotnig For those interested, I have been to Sphinx’s grave today to put some fresh flowers in place.
4 Likes superwoman liked a post by NotLaup in the thread Remembering Sphinx on her birthday - 2024
NotLaup I mean do you really think something as triveal as death would stop Sphinx...? she had BALLS......You can't stop a life force like hers with such an irrelevance... Sphinx is with us and always will be......When we pass beyond the veil there will be...
1 Like superwoman liked a post by Reg Perrin in the thread Awe Shit! Banned Again!
Reg Perrin They obviously know a head fuck when they see one.
1 Like superwoman liked a post by Luna in the thread The "debate"
Luna :welcome8: to the wonderful world of cheats, liars, people of low morals and questionable ethics - it is called Politics!!
2 Likes superwoman liked a post by wishingwell in the thread SP Forums
wishingwell I think if you ever rejoin under a new username a few smurfs should endear them.
Chris Mitchell
2 Likes Chris Mitchell liked a post by wishingwell in the thread SP Forums
wishingwell I think if you ever rejoin under a new username a few smurfs should endear them.
2 Likes superwoman liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread I hate millionaires!
Scrotnig Yikes. I must try harder not to post smurfs. jove I think I've got it!
2 Likes superwoman liked a post by parsonstreet in the thread Trans women breastfeeding
parsonstreet It is a fetish and nothing else. It is paedophilia. And the medical practitioners endorsing this as well as the ones doing the Doctor Mengele body modifications should be serving life in prison.
1 Like superwoman liked a post by NotLaup in the thread Trans women breastfeeding
NotLaup Whatever the chemical addled soup that is leaking from a man's balloons it really cannot be the same as breast milk..... I have had enough of this transbollocks..... No matter how much you think you might be a girl... You aren't get over it.. be a...
2 Likes Scrotnig liked a post by NotLaup in the thread I hate millionaires!
NotLaup Bristol seems to be full of houses worth a Million pounds.....Millionaire means a million pound income a year? When I was a kid Millionaire really meant something... Now it means people in ordinary houses in areas that the gays moved into and then...
1 Like parsonstreet liked a post by TheDruid 3X3 in the thread Trump is a Horror
TheDruid 3X3 I would certainly put him in the Top 100 Worst Human Beings to have Existed. And no one ever gets Shot who needs to be Shot so Trump will not get Shot just like No One Ever takes a Shot at Putin.
1 Like NotLaup liked a post by The New Prince in the thread Trump is a Horror
The New Prince More embarrassing for Sue Ellen.

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