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Reg Perrin Yes, and I saw a picture of the Tallahatchie Bridge the other day and it was only about 10 foot high.
1 Like NotLaup liked a post by Luna in the thread The Manic Street Preachers warned us about this
Luna Wasn't that Billie Jo McAllister?
Fairy_Nuff I think you may be thinking of Ian Watkins of the Lost Prophets. He was a paedo who was jailed. Both Welsh bands.
1 Like Luna liked a post by NotLaup in the thread Have you ever posted a smurf?
NotLaup I HATE Kino's Smurf pictures
1 Like Luna liked a post by Chris Mitchell in the thread Aliens - Supernatural Beings.
Chris Mitchell This is the basis of Scientology, which many people take seriously despite the fact it was created as both a joke and a tax dodge by L. Ron Hubbard.
2 Likes Luna liked a post by Fairy_Nuff in the thread The Manic Street Preachers warned us about this
Fairy_Nuff I think you may be thinking of Ian Watkins of the Lost Prophets. He was a paedo who was jailed. Both Welsh bands.
2 Likes Scrotnig liked a post by NotLaup in the thread Trans women breastfeeding
NotLaup Whatever the chemical addled soup that is leaking from a man's balloons it really cannot be the same as breast milk..... I have had enough of this transbollocks..... No matter how much you think you might be a girl... You aren't get over it.. be a...
1 Like Scrotnig liked a post by NotLaup in the thread Trans women breastfeeding
NotLaup It is a sick autogynophile fetish (RESEARCH IT) Straight men being pervs (as usual) It is appalling and an invasion and errosion of same sex attraction and women's rights..... I see Forkme has swallowed the Kool Aid........
2 Likes NotLaup liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread Have you ever posted a smurf?
Scrotnig Oh no, now you’ve been and gone and went and made me post a Smurf VIDEO!
1 Like NotLaup liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread Have you ever posted a smurf?
Scrotnig Smurfing is a genuine verb. Listen to the Father Abraham songs.
3 Likes NotLaup liked a post by parsonstreet in the thread Trans women breastfeeding
parsonstreet It is a fetish and nothing else. It is paedophilia. And the medical practitioners endorsing this as well as the ones doing the Doctor Mengele body modifications should be serving life in prison.
Fork Me
2 Likes Fork Me liked a post by Fairy_Nuff in the thread Have you ever posted a smurf?
Fairy_Nuff His wasn't that godawful grumpy smurf though, and I don't recall any "I hate" anywhere. So, no! :stickt:
Fork Me
1 Like Fork Me liked a post by Reg Perrin in the thread Trump is a Horror
Reg Perrin I have corrected your post
Chris Mitchell
2 Likes Chris Mitchell liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread Trump is a Horror
Scrotnig He was a good old Lennon.
1 Like Luna liked a post by Reg Perrin in the thread Trump is a Horror
Reg Perrin "Our" Gandhi maybe?
1 Like Luna liked a post by Fairy_Nuff in the thread Trump is a Horror
Fairy_Nuff Bit harsh that, Luna. You may not have liked his music, politics, or lifestyle, but did he really deserve to murdered in cold blood?
2 Likes Luna liked a post by Fairy_Nuff in the thread Have you ever posted a smurf?
Fairy_Nuff His wasn't that godawful grumpy smurf though, and I don't recall any "I hate" anywhere. So, no! :stickt:
Scrotnig Amazon UK employees are being told to introduce themselves with their pronouns "whenever you're introduced to somebody new", and not just at work, but "in your personal life too..” Mine would be sod/off! ...
Bill. MC
1 Like Bill. MC liked a post by BobBobson in the thread Election Voting Intentions?
BobBobson Indeed we could. But the chances of significantly increased tensions between NATO (including the UK) and Russia are orders of magnitude higher. It is what Sir Kier Starmer, Royal Nonce Protector in Chief is being brought in for, and why Sunak is...
1 Like Luna liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread Have you ever posted a smurf?
Scrotnig It's not my fault miss, Luna made me do it miss, honest miss, etc.
2 Likes Luna liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread Have you ever posted a smurf?
Scrotnig Oh no, now you’ve been and gone and went and made me post a Smurf VIDEO!
2 Likes Luna liked a post by Reg Perrin in the thread Trump is a Horror
Reg Perrin The Gandhi
2 Likes Fairy_Nuff liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread Trump is a Horror
Scrotnig He was a good old Lennon.
The New Prince
2 Likes The New Prince liked a post by Chris Mitchell in the thread Election Voting Intentions?
Chris Mitchell I'm not participating in this poll because the voices in my head told me that after living under a bridge since being sacked from the oil rigs for not wearing a mask, Bob Bobson now has a lucrative contract with a Zioinist-controlled lizard overlord...
3 Likes superwoman liked a post by Scrotnig in the thread Just because May didn't seem that warm......
Scrotnig Yes and it was written by a guy at the Met Office who is also paid by the climate “industry”. I covered it in another thread. In order to fix the climate issue, we need some Perfectly Reasonable, Totally Proportionate, and very Necessary...

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