Conversation Between SteinElfeCW and Johnie B Goode

21 Visitor Messages

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  1. Johnie B Goode -
    Johnie B Goode
  2. SteinElfeCW -
    no, must have missed it. where is it ???
  3. Johnie B Goode -
    Johnie B Goode
    Did you notice my reference to you in my reply to Equinox's "poem"?
  4. SteinElfeCW -
    yupp the visitor messages are very two-person'esque. and indeed more of a nuisance. i wasnt hurt at all. thank gods
  5. Johnie B Goode -
    Johnie B Goode
    Ah! So, I presume you were not hurt yourself? Damned nuisance though, and expensive.
  6. Johnie B Goode -
    Johnie B Goode
    This visitor message thing is not really suited for proper conversations is it? I see Raffles has been talking to you about your "little accident" but all your replies must be in her visitor box.

    Hmmmmm......I suppose ~I could look in her box to find out what happened.............
  7. SteinElfeCW -
    yupp, it was indeed. had quite a nice business trip apart from a little accident.

    i am glad to be home now
  8. Johnie B Goode -
    Johnie B Goode
    Hi SteinElfe, I hope that what is keeping you away is good. Missing you already!
  9. SteinElfeCW -
    i ll be away for about 10 days, so dont worry
  10. SteinElfeCW -
    Thanks for the compliment on my website. The site has been custom made for me; the pictures are all mine, with the exception of the incense burner (dragons chalice, brass) which is from the company who sells them (wholesale)
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 21
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